ARMY: 600,000 Portraits | INSTALLATION VIDEO |
ARMY: 600,000 Portraits is a deeply personal work by the artist, inspired by his mandatory service in the South Korean military. The video presents an honor guard's performance, showcasing the intricate bodily movements and expressions of the individuals that form a collective performing body. Park's definition of the military as a collective performance against the enemy is on full display. The imagery can be unnerving, with individuals entangled within the collective, while the camera's gaze stands in between being an observer and participant. This unique perspective on the military reflects the artist's own experience and conscious effort to distance himself from the collective through the camera. *The project consists of a feature film, a single channel video and a feature length film. 군복무 중인 군인들의 초상을 담은 작품이다. 여기서 개인과 집단의 관계는 모순적이다. 집단을 구성하는 개인들의 몸의 움직임과 감정을 섬세하게 담았다. 불안정한 이미지들은 집단에 얽매인 개인의 몸을 보여주며, 더이상 쪼갤 수 없는 개인(in/dividual)의 몸을 분할한다. *장편영화 촬영 중 |